Why Are My Feet Itchy and How to Treat Them?

Are you suffering from itching feet? You could be suffering from pruritus, a medical term for the sensation on your skin that makes you want to scratch. Pruritus can be either acute or persistent. It can be widespread, affecting broad sections of your body, or localized, affecting only certain areas such as your hands and feet, arms, or legs.
Because your feet are subjected to high temperatures, direct contact with irritants, and moisture-rich shoe conditions, the skin on your feet is prone to pruritus. Stress or irritants might cause you to develop dry, itchy feet, as well as fungal infections and rashes that enhance your need to scratch.
Most of the time, irritated or itchy skin is not a cause for concern, but it might be a sign of a more serious underlying medical problem. If you have extremely irritating feet, itchy feet at night that interfere with sleep, the sensation is accompanied by a rash, lumps, or blisters, or it lasts more than two weeks, you may have a medical issue that requires treatment.
Table of Contents
What are itchy feet?
Feet are exposed to a variety of possible irritants, including allergies, bugs, and fungus, which can cause itching. Your feet are also exposed to the possibly wet, heated environment of your shoes and socks, which can serve as a breeding ground for germs and fungus.
Contact dermatitis, fungal diseases such as athlete’s foot, or insect bites from scabies, mosquitos, or bed bugs are the most prevalent causes of itching feet. A rash, blisters, or scaly skin may also result from these disorders.
Diabetes and renal or liver problems, for example, might create inflammation or disrupt the nerves, making your feet itchy.
Many causes of itching feet can be addressed with topical (skin-applied) or oral anti-itch or antifungal drugs, as well as topical steroids.
What causes itchy feet?
Itchy feet may come from a number of factors, including:
Foot itch produced by a medical condition may be linked to an increase in the neurotransmitter serotonin synthesis. As a result, your doctor may recommend a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) medicine to alleviate itching.
The following medical problems can cause itching feet:
- Cancer peripheral neuropathy, a disorder usually associated with diabetes mellitus, liver illness cholestasis, which is reduced forward flow of bile via the biliary tree
- polycythemia renal disease caused by rubra vera
- thyroid gland dysfunction
- While pregnancy, pruritus gravidarum (it may or may not have accompanying cholestasis)
Skin problems
The following skin disorders induce itching in the feet:
- Athlete’s foot, or tinea pedis, can be caused by anything as simple as new laundry detergent (fungal infection)
- atopic dermatitis
- plantar dermatosis in children
- psoriasis \sscars
- bug bites
- dry skin pest infestations, such as lice or scabies
Irritating substances
An irritant is any substance that triggers a response in or on your body. They might even be drugs or topical ointments used to treat other ailments.
Opioids or narcotics, such as morphine sulfate, ACE inhibitors, and statins, have been linked to itching in the body and feet.
What are the symptoms and signs of itchy feet?
People use a number of phrases to describe the sensation of itching feet. Some people describe the sensation as crawling, tickling, dry, or painful, and many people scratch as a reaction. Scratching is normal and may reduce discomfort briefly, but it is not a long-term remedy. Scratching excessively might aggravate some illnesses or lead to secondary bacterial infections that require treatment.
How to diagnose the itchy feet?
Most persons with moderately itching feet do not need medical intervention. If your itching is severe or prolonged, consult a doctor to be evaluated for any underlying illnesses that may be causing your discomfort.
Your doctor may inspect your feet for rashes or edema in order to diagnose you. A biopsy, culture, or skin scrape of any strangely colored or textured skin may be required at times. You may be requested to supply a blood sample for additional testing as well.
How do you cure itching feet?
Your doctor will treat itching feet based on the underlying reason. Avoiding the product or goods that are causing the allergic response might help to lessen itching.
The following treatments may help alleviate itching feet:
- Itching may be relieved by an H1-blocker antihistamine, such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl). Sedative and other unexpected adverse effects of antihistamines It is possible that older persons should avoid using them.
- Antifungal sprays or lotions may be beneficial if you have athlete’s foot. Chronic fungal infections may necessitate the use of an antifungal medication recommended by a doctor.
- Topical anti-itch medications, emollients such as petrolatum, and steroid creams may help alleviate itching on the skin’s surface.
- Additionally, certain people may benefit from prescription drugs such as SSRIs, gabapentin, or tricyclic antidepressants.
How to Prevent Itchy Feet?
Identifying and treating the source of your discomfort is critical to preventing itching feet. The easiest approach to avoid itchy feet is to take care of your feet, prevent fungal infections, and alleviate irritation by doing the following:
- Cleaning your feet thoroughly with gentle soap and water
- After showering, apply a soothing moisturizer to your feet.
- Before putting on socks or shoes, make sure your feet are fully dry.
- Wearing socks made of natural, breathable materials such as cotton
- Wearing shoes with enough ventilation
- It is also critical to prevent any possible irritants. Make sure your detergents are allergen-free, avoid scents, avoid bathing in really hot water, and relax.
When Should You See a Doctor?
Most patients with moderate itching feet find relief from over-the-counter lotions and creams, home treatments, and preventative lifestyle adjustments, but itchy feet can occasionally suggest an underlying disease that need medical care. Make an appointment with your doctor or dermatologist straight soon if you are suffering any of the following symptoms:
- An itch that last for more than a few weeks or recurs on a frequent basis, despite prevention measures
- An itch that affects a considerable portion, if not the entire, of your body. An itch that is strong enough to distract you throughout the day or wake you up at night.
- Itching that is accompanied by additional skin signs such as a rash, edema, or infection
- An itch that started with menopause or that you believe is related to your pregnancy

If you have an itch that is followed by trouble breathing or swelling of the lips, tongue, mouth, or face, you may be suffering from anaphylaxis, a potentially fatal allergic response. Seek emergency medical attention or dial 911 right away.
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